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Me Too

Looking on my personal experience, I have found myself to most closely resemble a follower as described in the Harvard Business Review. ( Photograph )

Straw hats

My approach to a situation is not to get something done as quickly as possible, rely on power or numbers. Many of my decisions regarding my photography business are based on opinions, reviews, and discussions with other photographers. I guess that makes me a follower. Although research and analysis still play a big role I find the most value in a conversation with someone. For example, someone who has used a program or lens that I am considering to purchase and can provide me with their likes and dislikes and provide that personal insight. Much of photography is about inspiring each other and working together to build and create along with originality, they both are important and work hand in hand in my business. I personally believe it is important to follow multiple different decision-making styles as one may not be the best fit for each situation you come across in business. it is important to be adaptable and a force.

"Creativity is contagious, pass it on " - Albert Einstein



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